每日精品咖啡文化雜志咖啡行業(yè)交流請加飲品界前街,微信號:(長按復制)yinpinjie.com 外國網(wǎng)站爆料,飛機上暗藏許多乘客不知道的小秘密。像是座位前放餐點的摺疊桌其實很臟、還要乘客們少喝飛機上的熱茶熱咖啡,到底為什麼?外國網(wǎng)站Bright Side分享空姐爆料的機上小秘密,恐怕會讓許多人大吃一驚。機上服務,旅客大多會要杯咖啡或紅茶來喝,網(wǎng)站說最好別了吧! 美民航飛行員:飛機上的咖啡很臟,別喝飛機上提供的咖啡。 這是因為用來沖泡咖啡的水,與廁所使用的水一樣,而這樣的水可能含有大腸桿菌,容易使人生病。 I'm an airline pilot flying domestically under the banner of a major airline. Most people are unaware of how much of their flying is done by a "regional" airline. Regio
nal airlines today fly a huge percentage of the actual seat miles flown for their Major airline partner (Delta, United, US Air, etc.). However we are paid a fraction of what the major airline pilots are paid, and even these major airline pilots are paid significantly less than their counterparts several years ago. 我是某干線航空公司名下的一名飛國內(nèi)航線的飛行員。很多乘客都沒有意識到他們搭乘的航班中有幾次是屬于“地區(qū)性”航空公司的。事實上現(xiàn)在的地區(qū)性航空公司承擔了干線航空*公司(如達美航空、美聯(lián)航、全美航空等等)絕大多數(shù)的空運量(人/英里數(shù)),但是我們地區(qū)航空的飛行員收入?yún)s沒那些干線航空雇員那么多,而就算是這些干線航空的飛行員收入也較他們幾年前的同行少很多?! ∠旅鎺讞l是我們行內(nèi)人不會當面跟你講的: Dont drink the coffee. The potable water the aircraft is serviced with is absolutely disgusting. Chemicals are inserted into the water tanks to prevent bad things from growing, but the bad taste of the coffee isn't the coffee--its the chemicals... 別喝咖啡。飛機上提供的飲用水惡心死了。為了防止有害生物生長,飛機上的儲水罐里被加進了一些化學物質(zhì),所以你喝到的咖啡里的怪味不是咖啡造成的——是那些化學物質(zhì)…… 2. We don't know wher
e we are most of the time... (kidding for the most part) In all actuality there are much more sophisticated avio
nics units on most small general aviation aircraft. Those units display many aspects of geographic awarenesswher
e most of ours simply display the route that we programmed in the flight management computer before departure. We can tell you how far away we are from the next navigation facility and wher
e we are in general terms, but aside from that and what we can see out the window, we typically o
nly have a general idea of wher
e we are when at cruise altitude. Of course we all carry maps, but not too many of us will open the map and follow our progress on a 3 hour flight. (That all changes as we begin descending toward the airport. Situatio
nal Awareness is extremely im
portant then.) 航行的大多數(shù)時候我們飛行員都不知道飛機飛到哪了……(開玩笑的)事實上在大多數(shù)小型飛機上都有許多航空電子設備。它們能顯示許多地理信息,不過在我們飛機上的設備通常只顯示我們啟程前預先在飛行控制電腦中設計好的航線。我們可以告訴乘客我們離下一個航站的距離以及我們所處的大概位置,但是除了這些和我們在窗外看到的景象,通常我們只對巡航高度下的所處位置有一個大概印象。當然,我們都會帶著地圖,但只有一部分人會打開地圖并在3小時的航途中查看航程進度。(當我們開始降落時就不會這樣了——降落時保持警覺是至關重要的) 3. We forget a
bout the fasten seatbelt sign all the time. When you look up at the sign(and disregard it typically) and it has been illuminated for the last 45 minutes in smoothair, we simply forgot. Lots of guys will leave it on all the time. However, sometimes we do have reports of choppy air ahead and will leave it on until we either experience it or take a wild guess that the air ahead will be smooth. 我們老是忘了關掉“系好安全帶”信號燈。如果你抬頭看著這個信號燈(且往往不會去在意它)而它就在風平浪靜中亮了45分鐘的話,你也會忘掉它的存在的。許多飛行員在全程都讓它開著。但是,有時我們會接到前方異常氣流的報告,那我們會在氣流過去后關掉它; Some of us carry guns. This is certainly public knowledge, but Federal Flight Deck Officers can carry a firearm in the cockpit. Lots of protocol exists to ensure that the training, concealment, and utilization is standardized. 我們當中有人會帶槍上飛機;在“聯(lián)邦航空客艙警官”項目(簡稱FFDO**)的實行下,飛行員能帶槍進入駕駛室,這其實是個常識。這些槍支的使用訓練、存放及適用情況都通過大量的協(xié)議來確保規(guī)范?! hose are just a few. Happy flying. 就這么多,祝您旅途愉快! 然而,這并非第一個指出飛機的飲用水有問題的人。 美國國家環(huán)境保護局(EPA)在2012年對航空公司的水質(zhì)進行檢測,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),12%的受測樣本對大腸菌群呈陽性反應,這表示這些水也含有大腸桿菌之類的細菌。 此外,另一個不建議在飛機上點咖啡的原因是,飛機上的咖啡不會比地面上的好喝,畢竟,這些咖啡包或茶包通常不是設計給溫度較低的水來沖泡的, 因為當飛機在高空飛行時,客艙里的低壓會使水在攝氏90度就沸騰,而非100度,這會使咖啡包沖泡出來的飲料比較難喝?! ∮捉莺娇展荆‥asyJet)向《每日郵報》證實說,飛機上儲存的水會用來做熱飲和沖廁所,建議口渴時,還是喝瓶裝水或罐裝果汁。
譯者:Silent Sight免責聲明:本文圖片全部來源網(wǎng)絡,網(wǎng)站部分內(nèi)容如圖片、我們會尊重原作版權(quán)注明出處,但因數(shù)量龐大,會有個別圖文未來得及注明,請見諒。若原作者有任何爭議均可與網(wǎng)站聯(lián)系處理,一旦核實我們將立即糾正,由“飲品界網(wǎng)”整理編輯,轉(zhuǎn)載請注明,本文意在傳播咖啡文化,若侵權(quán)請告知刪除,謝謝~!