每日精品咖啡文化雜志咖啡行業(yè)交流請(qǐng)加飲品界前街,微信號(hào):(長(zhǎng)按復(fù)制)yinpinjie.com2018 世界咖啡師大賽World Barista Championship荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹 WBC世界咖啡師大賽 初賽中國選手潘志敏

比賽視頻:比賽臺(tái)詞:(風(fēng)味描述已用紅色字標(biāo)注)英文Hello! My name is Jeffry. I’m very excited to be here and to share some coffees.I believe everyone like me is fond of amazing coffee, quality food, and exceptio
nal liquor. My experience of tasting always brings me tremendous inspiration. One of my favorite drinks is craft beer, so my topic today is a
bout coffee inspired by craft beer. Let me turn on the gas stove to make the ingredient of my signature drink first. Now I would like to introduce the preparation while grinding the coffee. Please find details in the booklet.Tech judge, pls allow me to purge the grinder.Some people may know, IPA craft beer has rich fruity flavor just like some specialty coffees, as IPA co
ntains plenty of hops which is fully aromatic. But one of the compo
nents of hops is Alpha Acid, it can cause pro
nounced bitterness in beers. So I used the approach of distillation to keep the aroma meanwhile getting rid of bitterness. I add 250 grams purified water, and 10 grams Saaz Hops from Czech. Hops will be heated to boiling and turned into steam. Then the steam will be co
ndensed on the ice bowl above, and the hops distillate will drip into the lower small container. It will take 7 and a half minutes. Pls wait.The coffee I bring today, also one of my favorite, is Pink Bourbon, from Finca La Pelota Huila Colombia, grown at 1770 meters, fully washed process. The reason why I chose this coffee is that it has distinct flavor of malt and hops, which is also in craft beer. In order to present the unique flavor and more sweetness, my roaster used light roasting and extended roasting time. The bean agtron is 61, the grounds agtron is 74, and total roast time is 11 minutes.I’m using 19 grams in and 39 grams out, same with the signature drink.There is one thing really interesting a
bout today’s coffee. This Pink Bourbon is actually from the same trees from the same terroir, but different picking periods. By co
ntrast cupping, we found that the coffee of early picking period, October 2017, had distinct flavors and bright acidity, and the coffee of late picking period, December, had good balance and full body. So I mixed the early and the late on the scale of 6 to 4, which made the coffee has not o
nly plentiful flavors but also better balance. Now please open the littlebox on you left side, smell it, you will get the aroma of hops. Before first sip, please stir your espresso 10 times using the spoon to let it cool down just a little more. Please put the spoon in the small plate after using.You can tastehops, ripe plum acidity, grape fruit, ho
ney sweetness, malt sugar aftertaste, also medium body and smooth texture.Please put the spoon in the small plate after using. Enjoy !

(比賽臺(tái)卡設(shè)計(jì))OK, next, I’m going to make the espresso for signature drink. As everyone knows, the four ingredients of craft beer are malt, hops, yeast and water. And this inspired me of my signature drink. The beer brewing process includes saccharification of malt to wort, addition of hops to bring flavors, and fermentation of wort into carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast. Due to yeast producing alcohol, I will use o
nly malt and hops but no yeast compared with beer brewing.The saccharified malt turns into wort and produces sugar. The malt sugar is also a significant flavor in my espresso, and that’s why I use wort for my signature drink. This wort was made from 100 grams Australia Pale Ale Malt and 200 grams purified water, saccharifying at 68 degrees Celsius for one hour. So I made it in advance.First, add 20 grams wort in the bottle to enhance the malt sugar flavor and promote the texture of the coffee. Second, 3 grams hops distillate to emphasize the hops flavor, in addition hops could combine with espresso to create new flavors, such as juicy peach, melon and black tea.Then, 4 shots espresso instead of yeast. And last, for the ho
ney flavor in espresso, add 8 grams coffee flower ho
ney from Yunnan China to increase the ho
ney sweetness and the body of the beverage.

(臺(tái)卡設(shè)計(jì))OK, I’m going to mix all the ingredients, seal it with the cap, shake it up, and freeze it in the ice bucket. Freezing could defuse the sweet greasy, and make the drink more balanced. Pls refer to the second page of booklet I will serve the milk beverage to you.When I tried the recipe of milk beverage, I found that sweetness was far from my expectation using most milk available in the market. So I need methods to increase the sweetness without additives. Craft Beer inspired me again. The brewing process of a German craft beer named Eisbock is to freeze beer at minus 60 degrees Celsius repeatedly, removing the ice to co
ncentrate the flavor and alcohol content. ba
sed on this beer brewing method, I froze 1 liter the milk at minus 20 degrees, then slowly melt the milk ice at 4 degrees to get high level of lactose and protein.Please enjoy!Now, it’s time for signature drink. This is a cold beverage, please drink it directly. You can findhops, honey, malt sugar, also could taste new flavor of juicy peach, melon, black teafrom synergy of all ingredient.Judges, in my opinion, coffee could draw more inspiration from other fields in the future. I truly hope you will like my coffee. Thanks for your time today!o
nly the very first 400 milliliters co
ndensed milk would be selec
ted. I called this method Eisbock Milk Purification. By using this method, the sugar degree increased from 12 to 21 percent, which help increased the creamy texture and sweetness of the coffee beverage. Please stir 10 times before you drink it. You can tastesea salt cheese, banana milk shake, Oreo coo
kies and everlasting aftertaste of malt sugar.Now, it’s time for signature drink. This is a cold beverage, please drink it directly. You can find hops, honey, malt sugar, also could taste new flavor of juicy peach, melon, black tea from synergy of all ingredient.Judges, in my opinion, coffee could draw more inspiration from other fields in the future. I truly hope you will like my coffee. Thanks for your time today!







創(chuàng)意咖啡|Signature Coffee請(qǐng)慢用,接下來我將制作創(chuàng)意咖啡的Espresso。我創(chuàng)意咖啡的靈感來源于精釀啤酒,大家知道釀造啤酒需要麥芽、啤酒花、酵母以及水四種物質(zhì),釀酒過程是將麥芽加熱水糖化成麥芽糖汁,然后投入啤酒花帶來豐富的風(fēng)味,最后加入酵母將糖轉(zhuǎn)化為二氧化碳和酒精。由于酵母發(fā)酵會(huì)產(chǎn)生酒精,所以我的創(chuàng)意咖啡和釀酒過程比,沒有使用到酵母。釀酒的第一步是糖化,將麥芽轉(zhuǎn)換為麥芽汁,而我使用的咖啡中原本就具有很好的麥芽糖風(fēng)味,這也是我選擇麥芽糖汁的原因。首先加入20g的麥芽汁,麥芽汁是使用100g澳大利亞產(chǎn)的淡色艾爾麥芽經(jīng)研磨后,加入200g純水,在68度的恒溫下進(jìn)行糖化,制作時(shí)間為1小時(shí),所以我會(huì)提前制作好。

牛奶咖啡|Milk Coffee評(píng)委們,我發(fā)現(xiàn)市面上的牛奶與我的咖啡結(jié)合,甜感一直沒有達(dá)到我的預(yù)期。我就在想有什么方法可以在無添加的情況下,提升牛奶的甜感呢?我同樣從精釀啤酒中找到了靈感,在一種冰博克的釀造工藝中,多次將啤酒降溫到零下60度后,去除冰晶,可以將啤酒酒精度提高的57度。我的這種牛奶處理方法我給它也起名叫冰博克提純牛奶法,首先把牛奶凍成牛奶冰塊,再放在4攝氏度的冰箱里緩慢融化,乳糖和蛋白質(zhì)先被融化出來,只選取前段流出的500ml的濃縮牛奶。這種方法,可以將我的牛奶的糖度從12%提高到21%,大大提升牛奶咖啡的甜感,以及綿密的觸感。喝之前請(qǐng)用小勺伸入杯底順時(shí)針攪拌三圈,可以感受到海鹽芝士、香蕉奶昔、奧利奧餅干的風(fēng)味,以及綿長(zhǎng)的麥芽糖余韻,小勺使用完可以放在前面的小碟中,臺(tái)卡上的信息可以幫主評(píng)委更好的記錄。各位評(píng)委,現(xiàn)在是揭曉創(chuàng)意咖啡的時(shí)刻了。這是一款冷飲,可以直接飲用,在這杯咖啡中你可以感受到啤酒花、蜂蜜、麥芽糖,以及所有食材碰撞產(chǎn)生新的水蜜桃、甜瓜和紅茶的風(fēng)味。各位評(píng)委,牛奶咖啡通過烈酒提純的靈感,使牛奶咖啡的甜感提升,創(chuàng)意咖啡通過Espresso與麥芽糖汁和啤酒花的結(jié)合,讓大家感受到精釀啤酒的味道!我認(rèn)為咖啡作為一種時(shí)尚飲品,在未來的發(fā)展中,可以從其他領(lǐng)域中過的跟多的靈感!希望的大家喜歡我的咖啡!我是Jeffry,來自中國SOE COFFEE。

圖片來源:Coffee T&I Magazi Facebook中英文臺(tái)詞由中國冠軍團(tuán)隊(duì) 北京SOE提供,特此感謝?。。∑诖齾①愡x手們的精彩表現(xiàn)!
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