提示:↑點擊上方"世界烘焙配方"快速關(guān)注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="655" data-ratio="1.25" data-s="300,640" src="http://qwvm.cn/file/upload/202301/02/105530691.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="1080" />嘿嘿,又是首爾GARUHARU的chef Eunyoung Yun(下圖),顏值超霸氣的配方“藍(lán)精靈”!tq74?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。藍(lán) 精 靈MASCARPONE & BLUEBERRY TARTEByEunyoung Yun (GARUHARU)配方量:12個(直徑7CM)沙布列撻殼【450.9克】 86 克……黃油163 克……中筋面粉 82 克……糖粉0.9 克……鹽 48 克……全蛋 12 克……杏仁粉 12 克……粗磨粉(中磨) 47 克……玉米淀粉制作:1、全部材料均需為低溫狀態(tài)。2、將中筋粉和切丁黃油(2CM大?。┓湃霐嚢铏C中,用扁槳攪打至形成均勻松散的砂礫狀態(tài)。3、將剩余的其他材料加入,繼續(xù)攪拌至大致均勻的面團狀(不要過度攪拌)。4、將之倒在工作臺上,整理成均勻球形,散開的部分適當(dāng)用刮片整理收回。5、保鮮膜密封,冷藏松弛至少3小時。6、搟壓至1.5毫米厚度,并裁切為圓形,鋪入直徑7CM的撻模內(nèi)。7、入烤箱以160℃烘烤15分鐘,出爐,刷“涂刷蛋液”(配方↓),再次放入烤箱烘烤5分鐘。涂刷蛋液【135克】75 克……稀奶油60 克……蛋黃制作:1、將稀奶油與蛋黃充分?jǐn)嚢杈鶆虿⑦^濾。2、裝入噴槍,噴在撻殼內(nèi)外壁均勻一薄層(或者用毛刷)。檸檬風(fēng)味杏仁奶油餡【317克】90 克……杏仁粉70 克……糖粉80 克……全蛋 1 個……檸檬皮屑13 克……玉米淀粉15 克……黃油24 克……蛋白24 克……細(xì)砂糖制作:1、將蛋白在攪拌缸中打發(fā)。2、攪拌同時將細(xì)砂糖分3-4次加入。3、持續(xù)打發(fā)至形成光亮的雞尾狀蛋白霜。4、在另一個攪拌缸中將全蛋、杏仁粉、糖粉和檸檬皮屑混合打發(fā)。5、順序加入過篩的玉米淀粉和融化的黃油(55-60℃)攪拌均勻。6、分兩次拌入“步驟3”的蛋白霜。7、每個撻殼內(nèi)擠入20克,再放上幾顆切半的藍(lán)莓(配方之外),放入烤箱以160℃烘烤約15分鐘。藍(lán)莓檸檬果醬凍【300克】158 克……冷凍野生藍(lán)莓 79 克……檸檬汁 ? 個……香草莢 60 克……細(xì)砂糖 3 克……NH果膠粉制作:1、將冷凍藍(lán)莓、檸檬汁以及剖開刮籽的香草放入厚底平底鍋中加熱至45℃。2、將提前混合拌勻的細(xì)砂糖與NH果膠粉加入,繼續(xù)加熱并攪拌至煮沸。3、離火完全冷卻后,注入直徑3.5CM的半球形硅膠模具內(nèi),用抹刀抹平,冷凍。馬斯卡彭打發(fā)奶油【405.2克】 65 克……牛奶7.2 克……吉利丁凍(1:5) 72 克……35%白巧克力(Ivoire 35%)183 克……稀奶油 78 克……馬斯卡彭乳酪制作:1、將牛奶加熱至接近煮沸狀態(tài),放入吉利丁凍拌融。2、倒在融化至35℃的白巧克力中,用手持均質(zhì)機充分?jǐn)嚢枞榛?、加入35℃的稀奶油與馬斯卡彭乳酪,繼續(xù)用手持均質(zhì)機充分?jǐn)嚢枞榛?、冷藏隔夜(12小時),使用時打發(fā)。吉利丁凍【60克】10 克……吉利丁粉(200Bloom)50 克……水制作:1、將比例為1:5的吉利丁粉與冷水混合室溫靜置。2、約20-30分鐘后,會形成果凍狀,將之切割為1-2CM的小丁狀,便于隨時取用。3、冷藏可以儲存14天,冷凍則可以儲存90天。檸檬蛋白馬玲【150.5克】50 克……蛋白50 克……細(xì)砂糖50 克……糖粉0.5 個……檸檬皮屑制作:1、將蛋白與細(xì)砂糖在厚底平底鍋中(隔水)加熱至65℃。2、打發(fā)至白色雞尾狀蛋白霜。3、將檸檬皮屑和過篩的糖粉加入攪拌均勻。4、裝入裱花袋用直徑0.8CM的圓形花嘴擠成水滴形球狀。5、放入烤箱以70℃低溫烘干1小時。白巧克力噴砂【180克】90 克……可可脂90 克……33%白巧克力(Opalys 33%)制作:1、將可可脂和巧克力混合融化。2、裝入噴槍均勻噴在冷卻的“檸檬蛋白馬玲”上?!鶉娚暗哪康氖鞘怪綦x空氣,降低吸潮速度,延長其酥脆口感的保持時間。組裝&裝飾適量……藍(lán)莓制作:1、將冷藏的“馬斯卡彭打發(fā)奶油”打發(fā)后擠在冷卻的“沙布列撻殼”中的“檸檬風(fēng)味杏仁奶油餡”上,抹平。2、將冷凍的“藍(lán)莓檸檬果醬凍”脫模,放在“馬斯卡彭打發(fā)奶油”表面正中心位置。3、將少量微加熱的“馬斯卡彭打發(fā)奶油”擠在半球形“藍(lán)莓檸檬果醬凍”上,并用抹刀輕輕整理抹成錐形。4、按圖方式將六個“檸檬蛋白馬玲”貼在表面。5、再穿插空隙將藍(lán)莓貼在表面。6、撒適量糖粉。7、最后將薄荷葉與可食用藍(lán)色或紫色小花穿插裝飾完成。喜歡原汁原味繼續(xù)CHEF的英文版tq74?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。MASCARPONE & BLUEBERRY TARTEByEunyoung Yun (GARUHARU)for:12 eclairs (φ 7 cm)P?TE à SABLé 86 g dry butter163 g all-purpose flour 82 g powdered sugar0.9 g salt 48 g whole eggs 12 g almond powder 12 g semoling (medium grind) 47 g starchprocedure:1.All ingredients should be prepared cold.2.In a food processor, add all-purpose flour and dry butter cut to 2 cm cubes.Grind until the mixture resembles coarse sand.3.Add rest of the ingredients and continue mixing until the dough becomes somewhat homogeneous.4.Place the dough on the worktable and knead to form a boll.Using a scraper, spread the dough as if to push away, to mix the ingredients evenly.5.Wrap the finished dough with plastic wrap to prevent from drying, and store in fridge to rest at least 3 hours.6.Roll out to 1.5 mm, and shape to desired size to bake.Bake until the shells are light brown.15 minutes at 160℃ (50% baked) - spray egg wash - 5 minutes at 160℃ (80% baked).EGG WASH75 g fresh cream60 g egg yolksprocedure:1.Thoroughly mix fresh cream and egg yolks.2.Use spray gun or brush to apply thinly on the tarte shells.LIGHT ALMOND CREAM WITH LEMON AROMA90 g almond powder70 g powdered sugar80 g whole eggs 1 u zest of lemon13 g starch15 g butter24 g egg whites24 g sugarprocedure:1.Whip egg whites in a mixing bowl.2.Continue to whip, gradually adding sugar in 3-4 times.3.Whip until the meringue forms elastic peaks and bends slightly when the whisk is lifted.4.In a bowl, whisk whole eggs, almond powder,powdered sugar and lemon zest.5.Mix with sifted starch and butter melted to 55-60℃ in order.6.Fold in the meringue in 2 times.7.Fill in 20 g of the finished light almond cream with lemon aroma in 80% baked tarte shells.Top with moderate amount of blueberry halves, and bake for 15 minutes at 160℃.BLUEBERRY & LEMON JAM158 g frozen wild blueberries 79 g lemon juice ? u vanille bean 60 g sugar 3 g pectin NHprocedure:1.In a saucepan, heat frozen blueberry,lemon juice and vanilla bean until 45℃.2.Stir in previously mixed sugar and pectin NH.Heat until the mixture boils once.3.Cool completely, then fill in 3.5 cm diameter half-sphere silicone molds.Even out the surface with a spatula. Freeze completely.MASCARPONE WHIPPED CREAM 65 g milk7.2 g gelatin mass 72 g white chocolate (Ivoire 35%)183 g fresh cream 78 g mascarpone cheeseprocedure:1.Stir in gelatin mass to milk heated until just before boiling.2.Pour over white chocolate melted to 35℃, and mix with a hand blender.3.Add fresh cream warmed to 35℃ and mascarpone cheese.Continue to mix using hand blender.4.Rest in fridge for 12 hours. Whip to use.GELATIN MASS10 g powdered gelatin (200 Bloom)50 g waterprocedure:1.Scale powdered gelatin and water in ratio of 1:5.2.Mix powdered gelatin and water.3.When the gelatin is set, cut into moderate size to use.4.It can be stored about 2 weeks in refrigerator, and 3 months in freezer.LEMON MERINGUE cookieS50 g egg whites50 g sugar50 g powdered sugar0.5 u lemon zestprocedure:1.In a saucepan, heat egg whites and sugar until 65℃.2.Whip until the meringue turns white and obtains a film structure.3.Mix with lemon zest and sifted powdered sugar.4.Pipe in cone shapes using a round tip (0.8 cm diameter).5.Dry for 1 hour in at 70℃.CHOCOLATE SPRAY GUN MIXTURE90 g cocoa butter90 g white chocolate (Opalys 33%)procedure:1.Mix melted cocoa butter and white chocolate.2.Spray on finished lemon meringue cookis.※Chocolate spray gun mixture prevents the moisture from being absorbed into the meringue, allowing to maintain its crispy texture longer.ASSEMBLY & DECORATIonqs g blueberryprocedure:1.Fill with mascarpone whipped cream on top of the light almond cream with lemon aroma, and even out the surface.2.Remove blueberry & lemon jam from the mold, and place on top of the cream.3.Pipe heated amount of mascarpone whipped cream.Use a spatula to shape the cream into a cone.4.Arrange lemon meringue cookies.5.Place blueberry in between.6.Dust with powdered sugar.7.Decorate with mint leaves and edible flowers to finish.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·有圖片▼—關(guān)注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進入世界頂級烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時尚面包大師作品,全球名店產(chǎn)品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉(zhuǎn)載請標(biāo)注:轉(zhuǎn)自微信公眾號:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會懷孕! 預(yù)覽時標(biāo)簽不可點
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