提示:↑點(diǎn)擊"世界烘焙配方"關(guān)注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="636" data-ratio="1.2212962962962963" data-s="300,640" src="http://qwvm.cn/file/upload/202212/17/160351721.png" data-type="png" data-w="1080" >今日分享風(fēng)格派大師chef Emmanuel Hamon(下圖)的經(jīng)典之作!如果你喜歡焦糖的風(fēng)味和其色彩,這個(gè)配方絕對(duì)適合你!3jzn?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個(gè)“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因?yàn)槟承┎豢煽乖驅(qū)е聼o法直接點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。阿佩利納APPELINABy Emmanuel Hamon配方量:1個(gè)木柴蛋糕(55x7cm)或3個(gè)蛋糕(18cm)杏仁蛋糕【835克】180 克……無鹽黃油(室溫軟化)200 克……細(xì)砂糖200 克……杏仁粉 55 克……中筋粉200 克……全蛋制作:1、將軟化的黃油與細(xì)砂糖放入攪拌機(jī)中以2檔速攪打至順滑。2、加入杏仁粉和面粉拌勻。3、再將全蛋分次加入,攪拌至均勻順滑。4、倒入60x20CM的長方形模具框內(nèi)。5、入烤箱以175℃烘烤10-15分鐘。6、冷卻后,裁切為3個(gè)55x6CM的長條形,待用。焦糖蘋果【250克】 10 個(gè)……蘋果100 克……無鹽黃油150 克……細(xì)砂糖制作:1、蘋果去皮、去核。2、將每個(gè)蘋果放入涂黃油并撒砂糖的直徑8CM的半球形硅膠模具內(nèi),再蓋上另一個(gè)相同的模具。3、放入烤箱以170℃烘烤約1小時(shí)。香草奶油【692克】150 克……蛋黃 90 克……細(xì)砂糖 2 個(gè)……香草莢(剖開刮籽)450 克……稀奶油制作:1、將蛋黃、細(xì)砂糖和香草籽混合攪打至泛白。2、將液態(tài)稀奶油稍加熱(40-45℃),倒在“步驟1”的蛋糊中拌勻。3、靜置冷卻10分鐘左右。4、倒入硅膠烤盤(50x6CM)中至1CM厚度。5、入烤箱以85-90℃低溫烘烤40-60分鐘,期間要檢查確保其不會(huì)出現(xiàn)沸騰狀態(tài)。6、出爐后冷凍。焦糖慕斯【968克】200 克……35%稀奶油#1 50 克……35%稀奶油#2200 克……細(xì)砂糖 90 克……蛋黃 8 克……吉利丁420 克……打發(fā)稀奶油#3制作:1、將200克液態(tài)稀奶油加熱煮沸,通知將細(xì)砂糖煮成干焦糖,然后將熱的稀奶油沖入融化。2、將50克稀奶油與蛋黃攪打均勻,倒入“步驟1”的焦糖醬中,用膠刮刀攪拌并中小火加熱至85℃。3、加入冰水泡軟的吉利丁片,用手持均質(zhì)機(jī)充分?jǐn)嚢枞榛?、降溫至35℃,然后將420克打發(fā)的稀奶油加入拌勻。榛子酥脆棒【400克】100 克……無鹽黃油100 克……赤砂糖/棕色砂糖100 克……中筋面粉100 克……榛子粉制作:1、將黃油與赤砂糖混合攪打。2、加入面粉和榛子粉攪拌至形成面團(tuán)。3、將面團(tuán)搓成60CM的長條圓棍形,冷凍定型。4、放入烤箱以160℃烘烤15-20分鐘。5、裁切為每段18-20CM。焦糖淋面【1062克】400 克……細(xì)砂糖#1 50 克……細(xì)砂糖#2 50 克……水#1300 克……稀奶油220 克……熱水#2 30 克……玉米淀粉 12 克……吉利丁片制作:1、將400克細(xì)砂糖與50克水煮成焦糖。2、然后將300克稀奶油與220克熱水沖入拌勻。3、將剩余的50克細(xì)砂糖與30克玉米淀粉拌勻,加入到“步驟2”中拌勻并煮沸1分鐘。4、將冰水泡軟的吉利丁片加入拌融。5、保鮮膜貼面覆蓋,冷藏。6、最佳使用溫度為35℃。組裝&裝飾適量……薄蘋果切片適量……黃褐色巧克力噴砂(1:1)制作:1、將蘋果薄片放在鋪有烘焙油紙或硅膠墊的烤盤上,入烤箱以70℃低溫烘烤2個(gè)小時(shí)。2、用圓形光極/裁切模將此烘烤后的蘋果片切割為不同直徑的圓形。3、將“焦糖慕斯”倒入模具內(nèi)約1/3滿,放入一片冷凍的裁切的“香草奶油”,然后蓋上一片“杏仁蛋糕”。4、再放入適量“焦糖蘋果”,接著繼續(xù)倒入“焦糖慕斯”。5、放入第二片“杏仁蛋糕”,最后蓋上一層酥脆封底,冷凍。6、期間,將冷凍的“榛子酥脆棒”噴砂,作為稍后使用的裝飾。7、將“焦糖淋面”回溫至35℃,淋在冷凍脫模的慕斯上。8、按圖將噴砂的“榛子酥脆棒”和“步驟2”的蘋果片裝飾在蛋糕上。喜歡原汁原味繼續(xù)CHEF的法語版3jzn?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個(gè)“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因?yàn)槟承┎豢煽乖驅(qū)е聼o法直接點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。APPELINABy Emmanuel Hamonfor: one log of 55 x 7 cmor make 3 of 18 cm cakeALMOND BISCUIT180 g unsalted butter, softened200 g granulated sugar200 g whole almond powder 55 g all-purpose flour200 g whole eggsProcedure:1.In a bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the softened butter and sugar at 2nd speed.2.Add the almond powder and flour.3.Finish by incorporating the eggs one by one, mixing until smooth.4.Spread on baking sheet in a 60 x 20 cm rectangle.5.Bake at 175℃ for 10-15 minutes. Cool down.6.Cut three 55 x 6 cm strips from the biscuit.CARAMELIZED APPLE (TATIN STYLE) 10 u apples100 g unsalted butter150 g granulated sugarProcedure:1.Peel and core the apples.2.Place each apple in a 8 cm demi-sphere silicone mold and surround with butter and sugar.Cover with another demi-sphere mold (same size).3.Bake at 170℃ for about an hour.VANILLA CREAMEUX150 g egg yolks 90 g granulated sugar 2 u vanilla beans, split450 g fresh cream 35%Procedure:1.In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla bean seeds.2.Heat the cream slightly, then pour over the egg yolk mixture.3.Let cool for about 10 minutes.4.Pour into 50 x 6 cm silicone inserts that are about 1 cm high.5.Bake at 85-90℃ for about 40-60 minutes, checking occasionally to make sure the cream is not boiling inside the oven.6.Remove from the oven and freeze.CARAMEL MOUSSE250 g fresh cream 35% #1 50 g fresh cream 35% #2200 g granulated sugar 90 g egg yollks 8 g gelatin420 g whipped cream #3Procedure:1.Heat 200 g of the cream until hot.Make a dry caramel with the sugar and deglaze with the hot cream.2.Whisk the remaining 50 g of the cream with the egg yolks, then pour into the caramel and cook, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula, to 85℃.3.Add the gelatin and mix with a handblender. Let cool to 35℃, then fold in the whipped cream.HAZELNUT STREUSEL100 g unsalted butter100 g brown sugar100 g all-purpose flour100 g hazelnut powderProcedure:1.Mix together the butter with the brown sugar.2.Add the flour and hazelnut powder and mix until it forms a dough.3.Roll them into 60 cm log,then wrap and freeze until firm.4.Bake at 160℃ for 15-20 minutes.5.Cut into 18-20cm segments.CARAMEL GLAZE400 g granulated sugar #1 50 g granulated sugar #2 50 g water #1300 g cream220 g water, hot #2 30 g cornstarch 12 g gelatin sheetsProcedure:1.Make a caramel with 400 g of the sugar and the 50 g of water.2.Deglaze with the cream and the 220 g hot water.3.Toss the remaining 50 g sugar with the cornstarch, then add to the caramel and boil for a minute.4.Add the drained gelatin and mix to dissolve.5.Cover with plastic wrap and cool down in refrigerator.6.Use the glaze at 35℃.ASSEMBLYqs g thinly sliced appleqs g white chocolate-cocoa butter spray (50%:50%), corlored tanProcedure:1.Arrange the apple slices on a lined sheet pan and dry at 70℃ for 2 hours.2.Using a metal ring, cut out different sizes of round from the slices.3.Fill one-third of a log mold with the Caramel Mousse, then place the Vanilla Cremeux in the center and cover with a layer of Almond Biscuit.4.Arrange some of the Caramelized Apples on top and cover with more Caramel Mousse.5.Place another layer of Almond Biscuit on top, then a layer of streusel on top to close the mold,freeze.6.Spray some of the Hazelnut Streusel logs with the white chocolat-cocoa butter spray.7.Bring the glaze to 35℃ and glaze the dessert.8.Decorate with some of the sprayed stresuel logs and some dried apple slices.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·有配方▼—關(guān)注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進(jìn)入世界頂級(jí)烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時(shí)尚面包大師作品,全球名店產(chǎn)品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)標(biāo)注:轉(zhuǎn)自微信公眾號(hào):世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會(huì)懷孕! 預(yù)覽時(shí)標(biāo)簽不可點(diǎn)
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