提示:↑點擊"世界烘焙配方"關(guān)注cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="636" data-ratio="0.6671875" data-s="300,640" src="http://qwvm.cn/file/upload/202212/09/175054711.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="640" >又見泥萌喜歡的帥鍋chefGregory Doyen(上圖)小清新配方“BANANA CRUNCH”zrd9?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。香蕉脆脆BANANA CRUNCHBy Gregory Doyen配方量:12個無麩質(zhì)沙布列 【476.5克】180 克……黃油165 克……杏仁粉 85 克……米粉 45 克……玉米澱粉1.5 克……海鹽(鹽之花)制作:1、全部材料混合攪拌至柔軟松散砂礫狀態(tài),冷凍20分鐘。2、倒在烤盤上以165℃烘烤25分鐘(每10分鐘時適當攪動以獲得均勻的著色)。3、出爐冷卻待用。4、注:作為每一個酥脆片都要用到的基礎(chǔ)材料,可以提前制作并室溫儲存。帕林內(nèi)脆米【367克】 75 克……42%牛奶巧克力(Weiss?)120 克……杏仁帕林內(nèi)(Weiss?) 50 克……100%榛子帕林內(nèi)(Weiss?) 50 克……無麩質(zhì)沙布列(配方↑) 35 克……脆米條(rice kispies) 35 克……薄脆片 20 克……烤熟的榛子粉 2 克……鹽之花(海鹽)制作:1、將巧克力融化至35℃,將兩種帕林內(nèi)加入拌勻。2、再將剩余的其他材料加入拌勻。3、立刻鋪入撻殼內(nèi)。巧克力甜面團【497克】200 克……低筋面粉 80 克……糖粉 30 克……玉米澱粉 20 克……可可粉 2 克……鹽120 克……黃油 45 克……全蛋制作:1、全部干粉類材料過篩后放入裝有扁槳的攪拌缸內(nèi),與冷藏切丁的黃油混合攪打至形成松散均勻的砂粒狀態(tài)。2、將全蛋液加入,中低速攪拌成面團狀。3、冷藏2小時。4、在兩張烘焙油紙或塑料薄片之間搟壓至2毫米厚度。5、冷凍待用。巧克力海綿蛋糕【1024克】155 克……蛋黃 90 克……轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿 75 克……低筋面粉 35 克……可可粉(Weiss?) 5 克……小蘇打粉 4 克……泡打粉105 克……100%可可膏(Weiss?,cocoa paste 100%) 80 克……葡萄籽油140 克……牛奶195 克……蛋黃140 克……細砂糖制作:1、將蛋黃與轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿打發(fā)至細膩輕盈狀態(tài)。2、將全部干粉類材料(面粉、可可粉、小蘇打粉、泡打粉)混合均勻。3、將可可膏與葡萄籽油混合均勻,加入溫熱的牛奶,然后像制作甘納許一樣充分攪拌。4、將蛋白與細砂糖打發(fā)為雞尾狀蛋白霜。5、將蛋黃部分、可可膏/葡萄籽油部分、蛋白霜部分混合均勻,再將混合過篩的粉類加入拌勻。6、倒入40x60CM的硅膠烤盤中抹平,入烤箱以165℃烘烤12分鐘。香蕉庫哩(用于“香蕉奶油”)【490克】 20 克……玉米淀粉 10 克……水400 克……香蕉果茸(Boiron?) 10 克……轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿 50 克……吉利丁凍(1:6.5)制作:1、將玉米淀粉與冷水混合均勻,然后倒入香蕉果茸和轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿中拌勻。2、將之煮沸,然后將吉利丁凍加入。3、離火降溫至35℃時使用。香草打發(fā)甘納許(用于“香蕉奶油”)【512克】400 克……35%淡奶油 2 克……香草莢(籽) 80 克……34%白巧克力(Weiss Aneo) 30 克……吉利丁凍制作:1、將淡奶油和香草(剖開刮籽)加熱至65℃,過濾。2、倒在巧克力和吉利丁上,攪拌至順滑。3、用手持均質(zhì)機攪拌乳化。4、冷藏隔夜,使用時打發(fā)呈奶油狀態(tài)。香蕉奶油【300克】150 克……香蕉庫哩(配方↑)150 克……香草打發(fā)甘納許(配方↑)制作:1、將“香蕉庫哩”回溫至35℃。2、同時將冷藏的“香草打發(fā)甘納許”打發(fā)。3、將兩者混合拌勻,立即使用。熱帶水果庫哩【229克】65 克……百香果果茸(Boiron?)50 克……香蕉果茸(Boiron?)25 克……芒果果茸(Boiron?)35 克……鮮百香果25 克……轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿20 克……細砂糖 2 克……NH果膠粉 7 克……吉利丁凍(1:6.5)制作:1、將全部果茸與鮮百香果、轉(zhuǎn)化糖漿混合加熱至40℃。2、將細砂糖與NH果膠粉混合均勻后加入到“步驟1”中煮沸。3、將吉利丁凍加入拌融。4、離火冷卻后使用。香蕉巧克力涂層【401.5克】190 克……34%白巧克力(Weiss Aneo) 10 克……42%牛奶巧克力(Weiss Ceiba)200 克……可可脂(Weiss?)1.5 克……檸檬色色粉(油性)制作:1、將兩種巧克力和可可脂融化,加入色素充分攪拌乳化。2、最佳使用溫度為38℃。組裝與裝飾(下為1個蛋糕的用量)30 克……帕林內(nèi)脆米 6 克……巧克力甜面團10 克……巧克力海綿蛋糕25 克……香蕉奶油15 克……熱帶水果庫哩10 克……香蕉巧克力涂層制作:1、夾心部分:將“熱帶水果庫哩”倒入直徑6CM的半球形硅膠模具內(nèi),再擠入一層“香蕉奶油”,最后蓋上一層“巧克力海綿蛋糕”封底,冷凍。2、底層部分:將“帕林內(nèi)脆米”填充到直徑6CM的撻模內(nèi),冷藏至凝固穩(wěn)定。將一片烤熟的“巧克力甜面團”蓋在脫模的直徑6CM的“帕林內(nèi)脆米”上。3、組裝&裝飾部分:將冷凍脫模的“夾心部分”浸入“香蕉巧克力涂層”中,冷卻后,用檸檬黃色的巧克力噴砂均勻噴涂其表面。然后將之放在撻上,最后用“熱帶水果庫哩”和太陽形狀的檸檬色巧克力片裝飾完成。喜歡原汁原味繼續(xù)CHEF的英文版zrd9?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點擊進入均可下載當日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因為某些不可抗原因?qū)е聼o法直接點擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。BANANA CRUNCHBy Gregory Doyenrecipe for 12 cakesGLUTEN-FREE SHORTBREAD180 g butter165 g almond powder 85 g rice flour 45 g cornstarch1.5 g fleur de selProcedure:1.Mix all ingredients together until you get a soft,crumble dough.Place in the freezer for 20 minutes.2.Spread onto a tray and bake at 165℃ for 25 minutes (mix every 10 minutes while baking to get a uniform colour).3.Cool down before using.4.Use a base for all crispies.You can mak in advance and store at room temperature.CRISPY RICE PRALINE 75 g Weiss Ceiba organic milk chocolate 42%120 g Weiss almond praline 50 g Weiss hazelnut praline 100% 50 g gluten-free shortbread 35 g rice kispies 35 g feuilletine 20 g roasted hazelnut powder 2 g fleur de selProcedure:1.Melt the chocolate to 35℃ and add the almond and hazelnut pralines.2.Mix with the rest of the ingredients.3.Use immediately by placing into the tartelette moulds.CHOCOLATE SWEET DOUGH200 g cake flour 80 g icing sugar 30 g cornstarch 20 g cocoa powder 2 g salt120 g butter 45 g whole eggProcedure:1.Sift all dry ingredients and place in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment.Incorpoorate the cold butter and mix until you get a crumbly dough.2.Add the egg and mix gently.3.Refrigerate for 2 hours.4.Spread at 2 mm between 2 baking papers or guitar sheets.5.Keep in the freezer before using.CHOCOLATE SPONGE155 g egg yolks 90 g ivert sugar 75 g cake flour 35 g Weiss cocoa powder 5 g baking soda 4 g baking powder105 g Weiss cocoa paste 100% 80 g grape seed oil140 g milk195 g egg whites140 g granulated sugarProcedure:1.Whip the egg yolks with invert sugar until you get a smooth and light texture.2.Sift all dry ingredients (cake flour,cocoa powder,baking soda,baking powder).3.Melt the cocoa paste with oil,then add the warm milk.Emulsisy the same way as a chocolate ganache.4.Whip the egg whites with granulated sugar until you achieve a soft meringue with a similar texture as previous preparation.5.Combine all 3 preparations and then incorporate the sifted dry ingredients at the end.6.Spread onto a 40x60 cm silicone tray. Bake at 165℃ for 12 minutes.BANANA COULIS 20 g cornstarch 10 g water400 g Boiron banana puree 10 g invert sugar 50 g gelatin mixProcedure:1.Mix the cornstarch with the cold water and incorporate into the banana puree with invert sugar.2.Bring to a boil and add the gelatin at the end.3.Leave to cool down to 35℃ before using.VANILLA WHIPPED GANACHE400 g cream 35% 2 g vanilla bean (seeds) 80 g Weiss Aneo white chocolate 34% 30 g gelatin mixProcedure:1.Heat the cream with vanilla to 65℃,then strain.2.Pour over the chocolate with gelatin and whisk gently.3.Emulsify with a hand blender.4.Refrigerate overnight before whipping.BANANA CREAM150 g banana choulis150 g vanilla whipped ganacheProcedure:1.Heat the banana coulis to 35℃.2.At the same time, whip the vanilla ganache to soft peaks.3.Combine both preparations and use immediately.EXOTIC FRUIT COULIS65 g Boiron passion fruit puree50 g Boiron banana puree25 g Boiron mango puree35 g fresh passion fruit25 g ivert sugar20 g granulated sugar 2 g pectin NH 7 g gealtin mixProcedure:1.Combine the purees with the passion fruit and heat with invert sugar to 40℃.2.Mix the granulated sugar and pectin then add into the purees and bring to a boil.3.Add the gelatin at the end.4.Leat to cool down before using.BANANA CHOCOLATE COATING190 gWeiss Aneo white chocolate 34% 10 g Weiss Ceiba organic milk chocolate 42%200 g Weiss cocoa butter1.5 g Yellow fat-soluble colour powderProcedure:1.Melt both chocolate with the cocoa butter,then emulsify with the food colouring.2.Use at 38℃.ASSEMBLY FOR ONE CAKE30 g crispy rice praline 6 g chocolate sweet dough10 g chocolate sponge25 g banana cream15 g exotic fruit coulis10 g banana chocolate coatingProcedure:1.The inside: Sucessively add a layer of the exotic fruit coulis and a layer of banana cream to a silicone φ 6 cm half-sphere mould. Finish with a layer of chocolate sponge. Place in the freezer.2.The base: Fill the silicone φ 6 cm tartelette mould with the crispy rice praline and stone it in the refrigerator before using. Place a φ 7 cm disc of baked chocolate sweet dough on top of the tartelette.3.The cake: Unmould frozen half-sphere insert and glaze it with the banana chocolate coating then spray with the yellow velvet by Silikomart. Put the half-sphere on the otp of the tartelette. Decorated with exotic fruit and yellow chocolate sun decoration.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·有視頻OR配方▼—做夢都想拿到手的——男神chef Gregory Doyen招牌配方“GD檸檬撻”來啦?。ㄒ汛虬た上螺d)關(guān)注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進入世界頂級烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時尚面包大師作品,全球名店產(chǎn)品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉(zhuǎn)載請標注:轉(zhuǎn)自微信公眾號:世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會懷孕! 預(yù)覽時標簽不可點
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