當(dāng)前位置:首頁>看資訊 >烘焙食譜>配方來啦——圣誕必備產(chǎn)品“司杜倫”,來自名店OBERWEIS (已打包·可下載)

配方來啦——圣誕必備產(chǎn)品“司杜倫”,來自名店OBERWEIS (已打包·可下載)

2022-12-09 17:43:27責(zé)任編輯:世界烘焙配方瀏覽數(shù):889


cription-url="https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_jpg/PR7JPt3C5zawKVqAvnVjgkJkKicO3wLSfvxkngAAoDWUqJLBBmuPX3tz9EErvItMfV2IGR6HnCYhZnibRA6KM6Ww/0?wx_fmt.jpeg" data-cropselx1="0" data-cropselx2="578" data-cropsely1="0" data-cropsely2="636" data-ratio="0.75" data-s="300,640" src="http://qwvm.cn/file/upload/202212/09/174327381.jpeg" data-type="jpeg" data-w="640" >圣誕必做產(chǎn)品“司杜倫(STOLLEN)”來自名店OBERWEIS當(dāng)家chefJeff Oberweis↓bk67?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個(gè)“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因?yàn)槟承┎豢煽乖驅(qū)е聼o法直接點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。司 杜 倫STOLLENBy Jeff Oberweis配方量:2個(gè)司杜倫果粒【740克】275 克……白葡萄干 95 克……紫葡萄干 60 克……糖漬橙皮丁 50 克……黑朗姆酒 60 克……整粒杏仁(烤熟、切碎)制作:1、將室溫的葡萄干和橙皮丁放入盆中,倒入朗姆酒。2、將整粒杏仁撒鋪在烤盤上,放入烤箱以100℃烘烤20-30分鐘至呈漂亮的金黃色,切成稍大的碎粒后,與“步驟1”拌勻。司杜倫面團(tuán)【1083克】150 克……面粉#1350 克……面粉#2 38 克……鮮酵母 80 克……牛奶#1 80 克……牛奶#2 10 克……鹽 40 克……細(xì)砂糖300 克……黃油(室溫軟化) 35 克……杏仁膏 1 個(gè)……公丁香(雞舌香) ? 個(gè)……檸檬皮屑 ? 個(gè)……香草莢(剖開刮籽)※材料說明:公丁香(雞舌香),常用香料,一般調(diào)料店基本都有,或者直接淘寶也可以買到。制作:1、將鮮酵母溶入裝在盆中80克溫?zé)岬呐D讨校賹?50克面粉倒入拌勻。2、然后將剩余的350克面粉撒在“步驟1”上,不要攪拌,蓋上濕布,室溫靜置30分鐘。3、當(dāng)表面出現(xiàn)小裂縫時(shí),依次加入杏仁膏、鹽、糖、香料和剩余的80克牛奶,用木鏟攪拌均勻。4、最后,將軟化的黃油加入,放在撒了面粉的操作臺(tái)上手動(dòng)揉10-15分鐘,直至面團(tuán)變得光滑均勻。烘烤與裝飾200 克……生杏仁膏適量克……黑朗姆酒適量克……融化的黃油適量克……糖粉步驟:1、將“司杜倫果?!迸c浸泡其的黑朗姆酒一起加入到“司杜倫面團(tuán)”中。2、將面團(tuán)均分為等重的兩份(每份約730克),室溫靜置30分鐘。3、將兩個(gè)面團(tuán)稍搟壓(不要太?。┏善瑺顧E圓形。4、將杏仁膏均分為兩份,搓成圓柱形分別放入兩個(gè)面團(tuán)中心位置,然后將面團(tuán)折成司杜倫形狀。5、輕輕移至烤盤上,并蓋上一張烤盤,以190℃烘烤約55分鐘。6、出爐后,噴刷黑朗姆酒,然后用毛刷刷一層融化的黃油,然后放在糖霜中滾動(dòng)沾滿糖霜,自然冷卻12小時(shí)。7、售賣時(shí)表面撒糖粉,用鋁箔紙包好,可以儲(chǔ)存幾個(gè)星期。喜歡原汁原味繼續(xù)CHEF的英文版配方bk67?今日配方下載提取碼每天20:30更新,每篇文末左下角“閱讀原文”點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入均可下載當(dāng)日配方、視頻或圖片文件,省去大家自己復(fù)制黏貼的麻煩,配方文件無任何水印設(shè)置;“提取碼”因近日度娘抽風(fēng)搞怪,暫不提供無碼下載服務(wù),只能按她的規(guī)矩來,所以下載之前先把這個(gè)“提取碼”復(fù)制一下~另外,部分地區(qū)可能因?yàn)槟承┎豢煽乖驅(qū)е聼o法直接點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,可以在文末的【置頂留言】中找到鏈接和提取碼。STOLLENBy Jeff Oberweisfor:2 stollensSTOLLENFRUITS275 g white grapes 95 g corinthe grapes 60 g crystallised orange cubes 50 g dark rum 60 g whole almonds roasted ang groundProcedure:1.Leave the grapes to soak in a salad bowl with rum at room temperature.2.Pre-heat oven at 100℃, spread almonds around on baking tin in oven and leave them to roast for 20 to 30 minutes until they become nicely golden brown.3.Chop them up into large bits and mix them into with the fruits.STOLLENPASTRY150 g flour #1350 g flour #2 38 g fresh yeast 80 g milk #1 80 g milk #2 10 g salt 40 g sugar300 g butter at temperate temperature 25 g almond paste 1 u clove on a knife point ? u grated lemon (zest) ? upod vanillaProcedure:1.Dissolve the fresh yeast into half of the milk at tepid temperature in a large salad bowl and mix with 150 g flour.2.Then spread the remaining 350 g flour over the milk+yeast without mixing.Cover with a wet cloth and leave it to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.3.When little cracks begin to appear, add successively the almond paste, salt, sugar, spices and the rest of the milk.Use a wooden spoon to mix it all up well.4.Finally, add the soft butter and knead the pastry with your hand on a floured table for 10 to 15 minutes until it becomes smooth and with an even consistency.ASSEMBLY200 g raw almond paste qs gdark rum qs g melted butter qs g sugar powderProcedure:1.Add the fruit mixture and then rum into the pastry.2.Divide the pastry into two lumps of the same weight (about 730 g) and leve them to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.3.Spread out the two lumps of pastry (not too finely) and give them an oval shape.4.Put the almond paste in the form of saussage in the centre of each and close up the pastry on itself.5.Lightly push down on each with a rooler, cover with a cooking sheet and cook in the oven at 190℃ for 55 minutes.6.After taking them out of the oven, sprinkle the Stollens with dark rum and cover them with melted butter using a brush.Roll the Stollens in sugar and allow them to cool for 12 hours.7.Sprinkle icing sugar over them before serving and wrap them in aluminium foil to keep them fresh for serveral weeks.表走開,看彩蛋哦~—▼傳送門 · 戳下圖·看圣誕全輯▼—關(guān)注“世界烘焙配方”sjhbpf進(jìn)入世界頂級(jí)烘焙殿堂!全球最新烘焙資料、最炫蛋糕圖片、最時(shí)尚面包大師作品,全球名店產(chǎn)品展示,最詳盡的配方食譜!點(diǎn)擊閱讀原文,傳送至下載鏈接(百度云盤)轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)標(biāo)注:轉(zhuǎn)自微信公眾號(hào):世界烘焙配方戳一下在看嘛~你又不會(huì)懷孕! 預(yù)覽時(shí)標(biāo)簽不可點(diǎn)






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